

Everything Is

The evolutionary development guides us towards survival. Survival, for us, means adapting, progressing, and continuously growing. One fundamental aspect of our philosophy is the assumption that everything is interconnected.

of Connections

Our curiosity in exploring what drives the markets enables us to uncover hidden connections in dynamic environments.

Understanding the connections between major concepts from philosophy, mathematics, history and psychology provides us with a broad perspective in building mental models.


Mental models compel us to question ingrained beliefs and discover new insights.

We start from the understanding and belief that cycles and supercycles are the main driving forces of everything. This “macro thinking” helps us understand how the world thinks, feels and gives us insight on where it’s heading.

& Science

The combination of mathematical and behavioral heuristics, art, and science helps us grow and progress for the long-term.

Madona del Cardellino, Raffael, 1507

Story & Scenario

Stories are not predictions — they are thoughtful hypotheses that allow us to identify persistent market anomalies, opportunities, risks and to develop highly challenging scenarios of future potential developments.

We carefully consider the ways in which these forces can interact —  it’s a process that involves exploring both their dynamics and depth.


We apply an alternative multi-strategy approach that helps validate our investment thesis. We focus on seeking asymmetric returns both upward and downward.